Friday, May 14, 2010

SparkFun Shout Out

Before I get too far along in my planning and preparation, I must give a special thank you to Nate Seidle, founder of and genius behind SparkFun Electronics (why is their brown stuff growing on my nose?!?), for allowing me to take this sabbatical-like leave of absence to satisfy my weird and wacky curiosities! I have been privileged beyond measure to be a part of this amazing organization and, not to mention, the greater DIY electronics / maker community.

When Nate and I talked about me taking time off for this trip I was unsure how he would feel about the whole thing. It turns out that Nate is still fully committed to his belief that everyone should chase their passions and follow their hearts, whenever possible. I am privileged to be in a position that will allow me to rather painlessly pursue this ambition of mine. At SparkFun we talk a lot about "letting your geek shine", which is our clever way of encouraging others to be proud of and to wholeheartedly seek the things/projects/people they love. We happen to be in the business of electronics geekery but I think we would all agree that even the manliest jock is a geek in his own right, he just happens to geek out about whatever happens to be playing on ESPN at the moment, perhaps even cycling. (segue coming...wait for it...wait for it...)

Speaking of cycling across the country, Nate and SparkFun have agreed to treat my road rambling body like a prostitute this summer by decking me out in SparkFun emblazoned gear. Notice how I said that they agreed to it. This is not being forced upon me. It was even my idea. I love talking to others about this crazy company and have no doubts that wearing SparkFun cycling gear on my trip will be great conversation starters with the folks I meet on the road. We've already designed and ordered the custom jerseys and they are being printed by Mt. Borah Custom Jerseys who have been great to work with. Here now, in a sneak peek preview is the hottest cycling gear to hit the scene in years (maybe an exaggeration!):


I've been joking that while Lance Armstrong is riding for Team Radio Shack this season, I will be riding for Team SparkFun, the company that is set to put Radio Shack out of business. ;) Only kidding. Although, seriously, how are they still in business?

Well, I'm off to Winter Park this weekend to test out my full set up, BOB trailer and all. This will be the only real trial run I will get in before starting the big daddy in June. Wish me luck...!

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